I can't believe it's been so long since I posted on my blog. Thanks Lisa for bringing that to my attention! I hope to get some pages up here someday too. But for now, I have to post the pictures of Carter's homecoming.
He actually let me take some pictures- I think he knew there was no way out of it! He is just like his father. Look at this and you will see where he gets the no photo attitude from.
Steve is looking for anyway to avoid the camera!
So, then look what his son does!
Finally, they give in to me when they realize I'm not giving up on the issue!
I just love that I got this picture though! It makes me happy!
I also had to be sneaky to get this next one too! He was so excited about the flower he got for his date and I wanted the picture of him going off to meet her! Got it! It took some persistence, but I was successful!
I really had to hold back my tears as he was leaving our house for homecoming. It hit me then that this is the beginning of him finding his way in life without me! Sniffle, sniffle!